Saturday, March 26, 2016

A Simple Tool For Weight Loss

Many of us want to lose weight. Usually, we try everything we can to lose the weight except we miss the one things that will help the most.

Generally, we hear ourselves continually saying to ourselves that we are fat, we cannot lose weight, or that it is really difficult. These types of negative self-talk are only hurting us. What we need to do is change to a more positive way of thinking that will enable us to truly be successful.

The first thing to keep in mind is to identify the strong desire to lose weight. Figure out why you want to lose weight and the underlying reasons. Take some time to list these ideas and spend some time reflecting on these reasons. Be really specific about why you want this so badly. Find positive reasons to make this happen for yourself. Have specific goals in mind. Next, truly believe that you have the ability to lose the weight you need to lose. You want this, and you know you can do it. Stop any negative thoughts you might have and keep your mind open to any changes that you might have to make in order to achieve your goals.

Once you believe in yourself and that you can achieve, set yourself up for success by creating ways to stay accountable. Find a fitness partner or workout buddy, set weekly weigh-ins to track your progress, or use online tools to track your workouts. There are many ways to help with accountability. Use them!

Another major thing to keep in mind is to avoid beating yourself up. Sure, you might have a weekend with some poor choices, or miss a workout, but focus on the positive. Dont let the minor setbacks set you back permanently. Always focus on successes and dont let the scale turn a good day into a bad one. Finally, learn to work around life. Life sometimes throws curve balls at you and you need to be able to be flexible. Know the basics of what you need to do and try to stick to them! If you do not have access to a healthy salad because you are at a barbecue, think about the fundamentals you have learned throughout your weight-loss program and do your best, whether it be eating half your meal, or sticking to only protein.
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