Thursday, March 24, 2016

Introduction about AB Blood Type Diet

The diet or food which we eat daily has an effect on our health. There is a book written by Dr. Peter DAdamos named as Eat Right 4 Your Type. There is a lot of information about the blood type diet. How and why diet and blood type are linked. In this book, there is information about the each blood group. If you want to lose weight and want to remain fit and healthy then you should follow the diet according to your blood group. There is different diet for the each blood group. This will help you keeping yourself healthy and fit. The main idea behind the diet plan is that the types point out the foods our ancestors used to eat.

According to studies, it has been observed that every blood cell has set proteins on its external shell. These proteins are called antigens. Every blood type has a particular type of antigen which is unique to its own chemical structure. The food which we eat contains proteins called Lectins. There is a chemical reaction between your blood and the food you eat.

People with blood type A are classified as cultivators. According to Dr. Peter the Food for blood type A is which is high in carbohydrates, plant based and low in fat. People who belong to A group should eat the food which is fresh, pure and organic. They can eat food like legumes, grains, seafood, beans, vegetables and fruits. The people of A blood group have thicker blood than the people of other group.

They shouldnt eat such a food like dairy products, meats. This is recommended because this type food contains a lot of fat. Food for blood type A is decided according to their type and nature. People with A type are at risk of cancer, heart diseases and diabetes.

AB blood type diet is the same as the type A and type B. AB blood type has the same attributes of A and B blood types. AB is the most biologically complex blood type. People of this blood type can use the same diet and exercise plan as the type A and B. people of this type follow the vegetarian dietScience Articles, the dairy products and meat in as a balanced diet. For the exercise they can use the same as for the A and b type.

The blood type diet is also very helpful to maintain the health. AB blood type diet is similar as A and B types. So people with AB type can enjoy the food which both A and B type can eat. The scientific research made us alert about the benefits of the diet. So people should take their diet as per their blood types. By this they can maintain their health. Source

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