Friday, March 25, 2016

Weight Is Not a Food Problem

Weight is not a food problem. Weight is not a physical problem.

Our bodies will react to what our minds are thinking.

For those who dont want to work very hard, who dont want to change their thinking, well there are lots of options. The marketplace is flooded with diet books, each proclaiming to be the one for permanent weight loss. Or, you can find a doctor to either prescribe diet pills to suppress appetites or to give you injections to over-stimulate your metabolism. Or, you can join the myriad of diet programs who sell packaged foods, powdered drinks, herbs, vitamins, supplements, energy bars, pills, etc., delivered by package right to your door; you dont even have to walk to the mailbox!

On the other hand, for those who have come to terms with the fact that slow and steady weight loss is healthy weight loss, and that the only way to accomplish this is with a lifestyle change, youve tackled the first and most important issue-acceptance that you will have to work to lose weight and to manage your weight loss your entire life. Learning how to eat correctly using normal, regular, everyday foods that you shop for in the supermarket; learning portion control; planning and keeping a food diary to not only intimately connect you with the weight loss process but to encourage you to make your own well-being a daily priority-all are the must do components of an effective, permanent weight loss program.

We all want to be slim and to enjoy all the benefits it provides: The best chance for good health (instead of the onslaught of all the medical problems associated with overweight and obesity); buying clothes that we want to wear (instead of trying to find clothes that cover us); looking younger than our years and having the energy to really enjoy life (instead of getting older before our time and being mistaken for our kids grandparents); liking ourselves and having the confidence necessary to be a participant in lifes pleasures (instead of sitting on the sidelines as an observer); living vs. existing. And, perhaps one of the most important aspects of learning how to lose and maintain weight in a healthy way is that we can pass along a healthier diet and eating habits to our kids. After all, an adult can choose to be overweight or obese. A child cannot. They learn from the environments in which they are raised.

If you want your body to change, you must first change your mind.
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