Saturday, March 26, 2016

Fight Hypertension With The Right Diet

It is a fact that there is no permanent cure for high blood pressure, but one can still keep it under control with the help of proper diet, medication and exercise.

We all want to stay fit throughout our lives but many a time the wish is not granted. And when one finds that one is suffering from high blood pressure, it could come as a shock because not many who are apparently healthy even think that they could be suffering from any disease at all.

High blood pressure is condition that can be a result of a number of factors. ****, high stress, physical inactivity, and excessive. Besides these factors, our daily diet plays a vital role not only in contributing to high blood pressure but also in effecting the overall health.

It is always advisable for the patient of high blood pressure to reduce the intake of foods rich in sodium and salt, as they are found to be a major contributing factor to high blood pressure. No doubt that with the reduction of the quantity of salt in your daily diet you can lower sodium content to some extent but the best way to avoid sodium is to have a diet of whole foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. In addition to the above, even with the lowering down of the consumption of canned and frozen foods you can limit the intake of sodium.

The quantity of water should be increased to eight glasses per day. This would make your diet healthy. Start having grilled lean meats rather than fried variety of foods. A reduction in the consumption of white flour and sugar also helps.

After reading the above said dietary needs, you may feel that the high blood patient will have to bid adieu to his favorite foods forever. But it is not so. The intake of recommended foods helps you lead a healthier life and you may still enjoy your favorite food once in a while.

Keep your visits to your physician regular because that would keep your condition well monitored. This would help you a great deal in keeping your high blood pressure within acceptable limits and below danger levels.

It is a fact that there is no cure for high blood pressure, but one can still keep it under control with the help of proper diet, medication and exercise. Source

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