Saturday, March 26, 2016

How Does the Kidney Disease Diet Work?

For every health problem it seems that there is a diet that corresponds with it, yet the kidney disease diet is nothing new. This is a diet that is well-known and recommended by physicians, and it has also been proven to provide consistent and effective results for people with chronic kidney disease or recurring kidney stones.

What Is It?

The kidney disease diet is designed to give your kidneys a sufficient rest so that they can rebuild from the inside out. This is not a diet that flushes your system like many of the detoxifying or cleansing diets do. In fact, that is actually the last thing that you want to do! When you go on a kidney disease diet, the idea is not to move fluids through your system because doing so would only overtax your kidneys.

This diet requires you to make some changes in the types of proteins that you eat as well as the carbohydrates. There is also a limitation on fluids, which most people dont have a problem with.

Does It Work?

Although many of the causes of kidney disease are genetic, changing your diet can only move things in the right direction. Because your kidneys will only become worse as you get older, going on a kidney disease diet at the first signs of kidney stones is a very good idea. It will help to rejuvenate your kidneys as well as eliminate the possibility of future kidney stones.

Kidney Stones

These are the most obvious and the most painful aspect of kidney disease, and if you have one, chances are you will have more. Sometimes this is because of your genetics, but more often than not it is because of what you eat and the type of lifestyle that you have. Going on a kidney disease diet is the first step in reducing your kidney stones and trying to make sure that they come around a little less often.

Most people find that it takes a few weeks for the full effects of any diet to kick in and that is certainly no different with this one. You may continue to have kidney stones for some time, but they should be getting smaller and less painful. By sticking to the diet in the long term, you will not only be less apt to have stones, but you should also notice that many of your other symptoms are reduced as well. Source

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